The Album
In January 2006 we cut the first tracks for this album in London. Who would have thought back then that it would take four years for our “baby” to see the light of day?
Before we dubbed it Speak of the Devil there were innumerable working titles: Bamboozled, Limousines & Whiskey Queens, I Can’t Sing the Blues, and Cornucopia Clown.
Looking back, I am glad the album took its time to develop as new ideas kept constantly slipping in so eventually – in all modesty – we had the feeling we had created something truly exceptional.
The result is a concept album that you can listen to in its entirety and let yourself be carried away by the varying moods.
Speak of the Devil hit the stores on January 22nd 2010 at
Pepper Cake/Zyx.
The Homepage
For every song we created its own “world” in which you can wander about and explore: lyrics, cast, background information, pictures, video clips and, of course, music!
On top of that, you’ll find an interview and you can also order the CD.
The virtual fair ground was created by Karl Bichlmeir of Wege ins Netz.
Dr. Will
In order to play the songs and videos,
the newest Flash-Player is required